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Sport is an integral part of life at Tower House and provides an incredibly valuable and rewarding experience for our boys. Experience shows that engaging in the wide variety of sports that we offer allows our boys to develop their essential physical and coordination ability as well as key life skills that go well beyond the playing field!



Specialist Coaching

We offer an outstanding level of coaching through our team of specialist sports teachers to ensure that every boy is challenged to make as much progress as he can. PE and Games are taught to all our boys from Reception to Year 8. We believe the benefits of playing in a team sport are numerous and deep-rooted and set the boys up for a lifelong love of sport and physical activity. Sport for all is a key philosophy at Tower House, ensuring that every boy gets the opportunity to represent their school in matches and tournaments. We do want to win of course, but our sporting approach to competition is of equal importance.


Sport in the School Timetable

In the Junior School, each boy enjoys a lesson of PE, games and swimming every week, whilst in the Senior School boys enjoy one PE lesson and two full afternoons of games each week. Swimming lessons take place a short walk away from school with specialist swimming coaches working closely with our boys. The clubs programme is littered with extra sporting activities such as strength and conditioning, basketball, pickleball, tennis, table tennis, karate and fencing.



The Major THS Sports

The games afternoons involve the three major sports of football, rugby and cricket. Other sports such as hockey, basketball, handball, gymnastics, health related fitness, cross-country, athletics, strength and conditioning as well as physical literacy are covered in the weekly PE lessons. Sport is an everyday part of school life, with our Head often found cheering us on from the sidelines and even taking us away for regional and national competitions.



Regular Competitive Fixtures

A challenging and varied fixture programme allows the boys to compete against a range of other schools in matches and tournaments. All our boys get the chance to experience the excitement of playing as part of a team and competing in their school colours against local opposition. Boys also love the inter-house matches, competing against each other in football and cricket, as well as whole school sporting events such as Sports Day and the annual Cross-Country race in Richmond Park.



Parent Sports Teams

Cricket in particular is a real passion at Tower House for the staff, boys and parents! We have both parent and staff cricket teams that play fixtures against each other, as well as local school teams. New parents are warmly welcome to join in for social events and cricket matches!