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Reports & Reviews

Reports & Reviews

2023 ISI Inspection Report

Tower House is delighted to have been awarded ‘EXCELLENT’ across all categories in the 2023 ISI Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report.

To download the full report please click here.

For our 2019 ISI report please click here.

For our 2016 ISI report please click here.

Talk Education and Good School Guide Review

The school was thrilled to have received wonderful reviews from Talk Education and the Good School Guide. Some highlights have been picked out below, however for their full review please click here:

Talk Education  Tower House School - Prep school in East Sheen (

"The sound of happy voices floats down the street as you approach this south London gem. The only single-form, all-boys’ school in the area, it offers a unique education for the lucky 180 pupils who attend...Much like its Tardis-like campus, there’s a lot more going on than meets the eye here, with the pupils’ individual needs at the heart of everything."

"Armed with plenty of wisdom and experience, Mr Lunnon is already a huge hit. He is approachable and driven, and his focus on balancing the many advantages of the global-city location within a local community is music to the ears of Tower House parents."

"The Reception classroom is delightful, with zoned areas for art, reading (on a lovely mezzanine) and role-play with an outdoor play area complete with kitchen and an awning so they can be outside even if it’s raining."

"Senior school destinations are many and diverse; in 2022, they included Eton, Harrow, King’s College School and Uppingham. Sometimes the Year 8s leave to go to as many 14 different schools."

"This is a school that doesn’t just pay lip service to every child belonging; they really do and it’s wonderful to see how the pupils fit in from the get-go in Reception. Very nurturing staff strike the perfect balance between meeting potential and stretching the boys just that bit further."

Tower House Preparatory School, London | The Good Schools Guide

"Warm, happy, family feel to the school, but it is nevertheless ambitious. One form entry with 18 in reception, roughly 20 per class thereafter. One mother commented that its small size was one of its selling points: ‘Boys all know each other well and that gives them confidence.’

Junior and senior sections on same site, with plenty of interaction between the two. Older boys hear younger ones read and help them out at lunchtime. A healthy amount of hero worship goes on. Junior school considered to be gentle by parents, a place where little boys can be little boys. Every Friday morning reception boys head for the forest school where they build dens, climb trees and jump in muddy puddles.

Emphasis on impeccable manners: boys are expected to shake their teacher’s hand and look them in the eye as they say goodbye at the end of each day. Head wants them to look back on their prep school with a sense of pride. ‘We send well rounded, polite but humble young men on to their next schools.’

No academic scholarship class ‘as it would be divisive and that goes against everything that we stand for.’ If a child is sitting a scholarship, then teachers put on supplementary lessons as necessary. Most able boys are well stretched, with setting in some subjects from year 3 onwards. Reading is taken seriously and a reading wall records numbers of books read by each boy during the term. For the group of pupils who reads the most, a huge bag of sweets awaits. Library is enticing: jam-packed with adventure books and offset by jazzy mood lighting.

Very successful on sports front. The envy of every other prep school in London with its access to the Bank of England’s beautifully manicured sports grounds, just a stone’s throw away. Excellent sports tuition from a host of specialist coaches. All senior boys included, irrespective of sporting prowess. All boys from years 3 to 8 make a team of some sort. One father stated that ‘Tower House can hold its own with the great names in the prep school landscape.’

‘Art in every form is stretched and pushed here and it constantly amazes me. If you are creative you should come to us,’ states head. Drama deservedly gets the headlines.To date, Tower House is the only school, prep or senior, that has produced a full-length feature film which premiered in the West End. Head sees drama productions as being great team-building exercises as everyone can contribute, from the uber-confident thespian who delivers impassioned speeches to the lower-key boys who would rather focus on props or lighting.

Pastoral care is a priority. School has ring-fenced well-being and resilience sessions every half term. Boys are encouraged to de-stress regularly, whether through yoga classes, practising meditation or running before school in Richmond Park."